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Building Confidence and Assertiveness

Strengthening our self-confidence is a powerful step in shaping our lives and creating future success. The ability to be confident and assertive are crucial skills for personal development, displaying authority in business, and promoting equality throughout interactions. Essentially, these skills have a significant influence on building a happy life. Through effective communication, visualization, and resiliency, we can learn to be confident and project an image of confidence to others. When stressful or difficult situations arise, we have the ability to control our own responses and how we choose to move forward.

Building Confidence and Assertiveness

Module One: Getting Started
• Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Understanding Confidence
• Defining Confidence and Assertiveness
• Types of Confidence
• The Benefits of Assertiveness
• Distinguishing the Styles
• Signs of Low Self-Confidence
• Practical Illustration
• Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Characteristics of Confidence
• Self-Awareness
• Responsible
• Optimistic
• Courageous
• Humble
• Practical Illustration
• Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: The Barriers to Success
• Fear of Failure
• Self-Doubt
• Being Indecisive
• Comfort Zones
• The Harm of Comparison
• Practical Illustration
• Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Powerful Tools
• Positive Rephrasing and Affirmations
• Morning Routines
• Using Visualization
• Meditation and Mindfulness
• Learn New Skills
• Practical Illustration
• Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Communicating With Confidence
• Sounding Confident
• Using Body Language
• Questions and Curiosity
• Dressing the Part
• Tone and Audience
• Practical Illustration
• Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Developing Assertiveness
• Learning to Say No
• Recognize Rights and Values
• Be Expressive
• Be Decisive
• Anticipate Setbacks
• Practical Illustration
• Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Projecting Confidence
• Interviews/First Impressions
• Networking
• Presentations
• Virtual
• Meetings
• Practical Illustration
• Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Personal Empowerment
• Overcoming Our Fears
• Setting Goals
• Identifying Strengths
• Setting Personal Boundaries
• Positive Social Connections
• Practical Illustration
• Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Handling Difficult Situations
• Delivering Criticism
• Receiving Criticism
• Dealing With Aggressive Behaviour
• Dealing With Passive Behaviour
• Negotiating
• Practical Illustration
• Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Building Confidence in Others
• Listen to Learn
• Celebrate Successes
• Embrace Failure
• Delegate Important Tasks
• Value Opinions
• Practical Illustration
• Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
• Words from the Wise
• Lessons Learned

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