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Universal Safety Practices

The importance of safety cannot be overstated. Every organization is responsible for the safety of employees while they are working. It is estimated that safety problems cost companies $1 billion a week. Understanding universal safety practices and how to implement them will help keep everyone protected while ensuring the company’s financial security.

With our Universal Safety Practices course, your participants will discover how safety affects employee engagement and the bottom line. Safety may seem like a boring topic, but an unsafe work environment cannot be ignored.

Universal Safety Practices

Module One: Getting Started
• Workshop Objectives

Module Two: The Importance of Safety
• Legal Responsibilities
• Risks
• Benefits
• Setting the Example
• Case Study
• Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Fire Risk
• Causes and Types
• Assessment
• Prevention
• Communication
• Case Study
• Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Sound
• Levels of Noise
• Assessment
• Risks
• PPE or Environmental Changes
• Case Study
• Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Chemical and Electrical Hazards
• Assess Chemicals Used
• Inform
• Control Exposure
• Electrical Dangers
• Policies and Controls
• Case Study
• Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Ergonomics
• Common Ergonomic Related Injuries
• Assess Risks
• Equipment Changes
• Training
• Case Study
• Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Workplace Violence
• Identify Stressors and Triggers
• Substance Abuse
• Report Policies
• Training and Emergency Plans
• Case Study
• Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Transportation
• Assess Transportation
• Onsite
• Off-site
• Policies to Prevent Injury
• Case Study
• Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Machinery
• Identify Machines and Their Risks
• Establish Safeguards
• Limit Use
• Care and Maintenance
• Case Study
• Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Safety Program
• Risk Assessment
• Establish Goals and Objectives
• Develop Policies and Procedures
• Training
• Case Study
• Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Monitoring
• Establish Target KPIs
• Audits and Inspections
• Reports of Incidents
• Assess Data
• Case Study
• Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
• Words from the Wise
• Lessons Learned

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