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Emotional Intelligence at Work
  • Emotional Intelligence at Work


    Module One: Getting Started

    • Course Objectives


    Module Two: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

    • Definition
    • History
    • Who Needs It?
    • Goals
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Three: Benefits

    • Raising Awareness
    • Reducing Anxiety and Stress
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Relationship Management
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Four: Social Skills

    • Building Rapport
    • Nonverbal Communication
    • Emotional Awareness
    • Empathetic Accuracy
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Five: Reducing Anxiety and Stress

    • Mindfulness
    • Changing Thoughts
    • Changing Actions
    • Long Term Relaxation Techniques
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Six: Conflict Resolution

    • Working as a Team
    • Ability to Change
    • Reverence
    • Big Picture
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Seven: Relationship Management

    • Effective Communication
    • Bringing Out the Best
    • Motivating
    • Influencing
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Eight: Overcoming Obstacles at Work

    • Recognizing Failure
    • Admitting Failure
    • Learning from Failure
    • Implementing Changes
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Nine: Building Rapport

    • Observing
    • Asking Questions
    • Listening
    • Finding Common Ground
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Ten: Nonverbal Communication

    • Facial Expressions
    • Body Language
    • Giving Full Attention
    • Space
    • Case Study
    • Review Question


    Module Eleven: Emotional Awareness and Empathetic Accuracy

    • Why is it Important?
    • Cognitive
    • Emotional
    • Compassionate
    • Case Study
    • Review Questions


    Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

    • Words from the Wise
    • Lessons Learned
    • Course Info

      Emotional Intelligence is the ability to be in touch with one’s emotions to the point where feelings can be identified, understood, and then used in social interactions. It provides ability to read and pick up nonverbal communications, which is benefit to everyone.

      With our Emotional Intelligence at Work course your participants will be will introduced to ideas and techniques for increasing and understanding their Emotional Intelligence. These skills are widely desired by all employers as these employees are better communicators. They are better at developing relationships and have useful conflict resolution skills which are useful in every workplace.

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