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Handling a Difficult Customer
  • Handling a Difficult Customer


    Module One: Getting Started

    • Course Objectives


    Module Two: The Right Attitude Starts with You

    • Be Grateful
    • Keep Your Body Healthy
    • Focus on Positive Thoughts
    • Invoke Inner Peace
    • Case Study
    • Module Two: Review Questions


    Module Three: Internal Stress Management

    • Irritability
    • Unhappiness with Your Job
    • Feeling Underappreciated
    • Not Well-Rested
    • Case Study
    • Module Three: Review Questions


    Module Four: External Stress Management

    • Office Furniture Not Ergonomically Sound
    • High Noise Volume in the Office
    • Rift with Co-Workers
    • Demanding Supervisor
    • Case Study
    • Module Four: Review Questions


    Module Five: Transactional Analysis

    • What is Transactional Analysis?
    • Parent
    • Adult
    • Child
    • Case Study
    • Module Five: Review Questions


    Module Six: Why are Some Customers Difficult?

    • They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want to Vent
    • They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want Someone to be Held Accountable
    • They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want Resolution
    • They Are Generally Unhappy
    • Case Study
    • Module Six: Review Questions


    Module Seven: Dealing with the Customer Over the Phone

    • Listen to the Customer’s Complaint
    • Build Rapport
    • Do Not Respond with Negative Words or Emotion
    • Offer a Verbal Solution to Customer
    • Case Study
    • Module Seven: Review Questions


    Module Eight: Dealing with the Customer In Person

    • Listen to the Customer’s Complaint
    • Build Rapport
    • Responding with Positive Words and Body Language
    • Besides Words, What to Look For?
    • Case Study
    • Module Eight: Review Questions


    Module Nine: Sensitivity in Dealing with Customers

    • Who are Angry
    • Who Are Rude
    • With Different Cultural Values
    • Who Cannot Be Satisfied?
    • Case Study
    • Module Nine: Review Questions


    Module Ten: Scenarios of Dealing with a Difficult Customer

    • Angry Customer
    • Rude Customer
    • Culturally Diverse Customer
    • Impossible to Please Customer
    • Case Study
    • Module Ten: Review Questions


    Module Eleven: Following up With a Customer Once You Have Addressed Their Complaint

    • Call the Customer
    • Send the Customer an Email
    • Mail the Customer a Small Token
    • Handwritten or Typed Letter
    • Case Study
    • Module Eleven: Review Questions


    Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

    • Words From the Wise
    • Lessons Learned
    • Voucher Code

      Please apply discount code at checkout if applicable

    • Course Info

      Wouldn’t the world be a great place if every customer was a pleasure to deal with? We all know that is a fantasy land. So what is the best way to handle a difficult customer? Through our course your participants will learn stress management skills, how to build rapport, and recognizing certain body language.

      By utilizing our Handling a Difficult Customer course your participants will see an increase in customer service, productivity, and a decrease in unhappy customers. Your participants will be provided a strong skill set including in-person and over the phone techniques, addressing complaints, and generating return business.

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